How To Take Care Of Your Newborn Baby

How To Take Care Of Your Newborn Baby

So You’ve Brought Home Your Newborn baby– Now What? Although caring for your baby can be one of the most special and rewarding experiences of your life, you may not know what to do? Your newborn will require constant care and attention from you. To care for a newborn, you’ll need to know how to give your baby the rest, sustenance, and attention she needs — along with a healthy dose of love and affection.

Method 1-

A. Master the basics-

1. Get the baby to sleep:

  • Newborns need lots of rest to continue growing healthy and strong — some babies can rest for up to 16 hours a day. Although once your baby is three months old or above, he is able to sleep for 6-8 hours at a time, initially, your baby sleeps only for 2-3 hours at a time and if he If he has not eaten anything for 4 hours, he has to be woken up from his sleep.
  • Some babies have confusion between day and night when they are born. If your child is more active at night, keep the lights dim and talk softly to limit nighttime arousal, and be patient until your child’s sleep cycle returns to normal.

How To Take Care Of Your Newborn Baby

  • Make sure you place your baby on his back to reduce the risk of SIDS.
  • You should keep changing the position of your baby’s head — whether it tilts to the left or the right — to relieve the “soft spot” that may be caused by sleeping in one position on the baby’s face.

2. Consider breastfeeding your newborn:

If you want to breastfeed your newborn baby, the best place to start is when you hold and breastfeed your baby for the first time after birth. Turn your baby’s body on your side so that you are holding his chest towards your chest. Touch her upper lip with your nipple and pull it towards your breast when she opens her mouth. When he does this, his mouth should cover your nipple and as much of the areola as possible.

Below are some small but important things you should know about breastfeeding:

  • If the newborn is getting enough food, he will wet 6-8 diapers a day, that too with a stable stool, be alert on his waking up. His weight will also increase rapidly.
  • Don’t stress if you’re having a hard time feeding your baby in the beginning; This requires patience and practice. You can get help from a nurse or a lactation consultant (who can be helpful before the birth).
  • Know that nursing does not have to be painful. If the latch-on hurts, break the suction by placing your pinky finger between your newborn baby’s gums and your breast and repeat the process.
  • You should breastfeed 8-12 times during the first 24 hours after your baby is born. You don’t need to make a strict schedule, but you should feed your baby whenever he shows signs of hunger, such as increased mouth movements and nipple-seeking activity. You should breastfeed every few hours, even gently picking him up to feed if needed.

How To Take Care Of Your Newborn Baby

  • Make sure you are sitting comfortably. Breastfeeding can take up to 40 minutes, so choose a comfortable position so that your back is supported while you breastfeed.
  • Have a healthy and balanced diet. Stay hydrated and be prepared to be hungrier than usual and stick to it. Limit your intake of alcohol or caffeine as it can pass into your breast milk.

3. Bottle feed your baby:

Whether to breastfeed or formula feed the baby is a personal decision. While some studies suggest that breastfeeding is healthier for your baby, you should consider your health, convenience, and other factors before making your decision. Formula feeding makes it easy to know how much you’ve fed your baby, so you can limit the amount you eat, and you don’t have to restrict your meals. If you decide to formula feed your baby, you may want to know the following:

When preparing a formula feed, make sure you follow the directions on the label.

  • Sterilize new bottles.
  • Feed your baby every two or three hours, or whenever he seems hungry.
  • Throw away any formula feeds that have been in the refrigerator for more than 1 hour or if your baby has left them unfinished.

How To Take Care Of Your Newborn Baby

  • Do not keep formula feed in the refrigerator for more than 24 hours. You can heat it carefully as most kids prefer that but it is not necessary.
  • Hold the new born baby at an angle of 45 degrees so that it is easy for him to take less air. Hold him in a semi-upright position, supporting his head. Tilt the bottle so that the formula feeds into the nipple and neck of the bottle. Never leave it unattended, as it may cause the child to choke.

4. Diaper your newborn:

Whether you use cloth or disposable diapers, you’ll need to be a diaper changing expert to take care of your newborn, and that too fast. Whichever method you use — and you’ll need to decide before you bring your baby home — you should be prepared to change your baby’s diapers around 10 times a day.

Read here what you need to do:

  • Prepare your content. You will need a clean diaper, fasteners, diaper ointment (for rashes), a container of warm water, a clean washcloth, and some cotton balls or diaper wipes.
  • Remove your baby’s dirty diaper. If it is wet, lay your baby on his back and remove the diaper and clean your baby’s genital area using water or a washcloth. Clean the girl from front to back to avoid UTIs. If you see any rashes, apply some ointment on it.

How To Take Care Of Your Newborn Baby

  • Open a new diaper and gently lift your baby’s feet and legs and slide them under. Lift the front of the diaper from between the baby’s legs and up over the belly. Then bring forward the adhesive strips and gently stick them so that the diaper will go on properly and securely.
  • To avoid diaper rash, change your baby’s diaper as soon as possible after a bowel movement, and clean the baby using soap and water. Let your baby go without a diaper for a few hours every day so that the baby’s bottom can get some air.

5. Bathe the newborn baby:

During the first week, you should very carefully give your baby a sponge bath. Once the umbilical cord is out, you can start bathing your baby regularly two to three times a week. To do this properly, you should gather your materials, such as towels, soap, a clean diaper, etc. in advance, so that the baby is not disturbed. Before starting the bath, fill the tub or baby tub with about three inches of warm water.

Read here what you should do next:

  • See if you can get any help. You might be a little nervous when you bathe your baby for the first time. If so, you can involve your partner or a family member in this work. In this way, one person can hold the baby in the water and the other can bathe him.

How To Take Care Of Your Newborn Baby

  • Carefully undress your newborn. Then, using one of your hands, support the baby’s neck and arms and lower him into the tub. To keep your baby from getting cold, keep adding mugs of hot water to the bath water.
  • Use a mild soap and be careful not to get it in your baby’s eyes. Wash your baby by hand or with a washcloth, making sure you wipe gently from top to bottom and front to back. Thoroughly clean your baby’s body, genitals, scalp, hair, and any dried mucus that collects on his face.
  • Wash your baby with warm water. Clean your baby thoroughly with a washcloth. Lift the baby out of the tub, supporting his neck and head with your hand. Be careful — children can slip when wet.
  • Wrap your baby in a hooded towel and pat him dry. After that, diaper and dress your newborn baby, and then kiss him so that he has a positive thought associated with the bath.

Know how to handle your newborn baby:

You may be surprised at how tiny and delicate your newborn is, but with a few basic techniques, you’ll be feeling more confident handling your baby in no time.

How To Take Care Of Your Newborn Baby

Here are some of the things you should read:

  • Wash and clean your hands thoroughly before touching newborn baby. Newborn babies are more susceptible to infections because their immune systems are not that strong yet. Make sure your hands — and the hands of those who hold your child — are clean before making contact with the child.
  • Support your baby’s head and neck. To hold your baby, hold his head gently when you pick him up and support his head when you’re standing him up or putting him down. Babies can’t support their head by this time, so don’t let their head tilt here and there.
  • Avoid jerking your child, whether you are playing with him or when you are angry. This can lead to bleeding in the brain, which can lead to death. Nor, yank her up — instead, tickle her feet or give her a gentle touch.
  • Learn to swaddle your baby. This is a good way to make the baby feel secure before he is 2 months old.


B. Keep your newborn baby healthy-

1. Give your baby “tummy time” every day:

Since your baby spends most of the time lying on his back, it is important that you give your baby time to lie on his stomach as well, so that he develops both mentally and physically and his hands, head, and neck Be strong Some doctors say that babies should lie on their stomach for 15-20 minutes a day, while some say that you should make your baby lie on his stomach for 5 minutes at different times of the day.

Here’s what you should do.

  • You can start tummy time a week after the baby is born, once the baby’s umbilical cord is gone.
  • To make tummy time fun, get on your baby’s level. Make eye contact, cuddle and play with your baby.
  • Tummy time is hard work, and some babies become resistant to it. If this happens — don’t be surprised — don’t stop doing it.

2. Take care of your newborn’s umbilical cord stump:

Your baby’s umbilical cord stump should fall off within the first two weeks of his life. Its color will be yellow-green to brown and black on drying and it will fall off by itself. It is important to take care of him before he falls so that infection can be avoided.

Here’s what you should do.

  • keep it clean. Clean it with plain water and dry it with a clean and absorbent cloth. Make sure that you wash and dry your hands thoroughly before touching it. Sponge bathe your baby until he falls off.
  • Keep it dry. Let it air dry at the base, and fold down the front of your baby’s diaper so it isn’t covered by anything.
  • Resist the urge to pull her away from you. Take your time letting the stump fall.
  • Keep an eye out for signs of infection. It is normal to see some dried blood or crust near the stump; But if the stump produces a smelly discharge or yellow pus, continues to bleed or becomes swollen and red, you should see a doctor immediately.

3. Learn to pacify a newborn:

  • If your child is upset, it’s not always easy to pinpoint the exact cause, although there are some tips you can try. Check for wet diapers. Try feeding them. If that doesn’t work, put on another layer of clothing if it’s cold, and remove a layer if it’s hot. Sometimes, your baby just wants you to pick him up or he may just be feeling too aroused. As you get to know your new born baby, you will automatically come to know what is troubling him.
  • Your baby may just need to burp.
  • Rocking them gently and singing songs or lullabies can also help. If that doesn’t work, give them a pacifier. They may also be tired so put them down. Sometimes, babies just cry and you have to let them be until they fall asleep.

4. Interact with your newborn:

  • You can’t play with your child right now, but they get bored on our side too. Take them for a walk in the park, talk to them, hang pictures in the room they spend most of their time in, listen to music, or take them for a ride in the car. Remember that your child is just a child and is not ready for rough play yet; Don’t hold the baby roughly or shake him too hard and be as gentle as you can with him.
  • In the beginning, the most important thing is to bond with your child as much as you can. This could mean cuddling your baby, holding her affectionately, giving baby some skin-to-skin contact, or even consider giving your newborn baby a baby massage.

How To Take Care Of Your Newborn Baby

  • Babies love vocal sounds and it’s never too early for your baby to start talking, babbling, singing or cooing. Play some music while you bond with your baby, or play with toys that make noises, such as rattles or mobiles.
  • Some babies are more sensitive and light to touch than others, so if your baby isn’t responding well to your attempts at rapprochement, you can use noises and lights, until He should not get used to them.
  • Take your newborn to the doctor regularly. Your baby will have frequent doctor visits during his first year for scheduled checkups and shots. Many newborns may have their first doctor visit only 1-3 days after you and her are released from the hospital.
  • After that, each doctor’s schedule will vary a bit, but you should generally see your baby at least 1 to 2 weeks after birth, after the second month, and then every other month.
  • If you notice anything unusual, it is important to see a doctor right away; Even if you’re not sure what’s going on is unusual, you should always call the doctor’s office to investigate.

5. Symptoms you should look out for include:

  • Dehydration: Fever than three wet diapers per day, extreme sleepiness, dry mouth
  • Bowel problems: No movement during first two days, white mucus in stool, flakes or red streaks in stool, very high or low temperature.
  • Respiratory problems: Infantile respiratory distress syndrome (IRDS), Wheezing, stuffy nose, rapid or noisy breathing, chest compressions.
  • Umbilical cord stump problems: pus, odor, or bleeding in the stump.
  • Jaundice: Appearing yellow in the chest, body, or eyes.
  • Prolonged crying: Crying for over thirty minutes.
  • Other illnesses: persistent cough, diarrhea, pallor, forceful vomiting for more than two consecutive feedings, fewer than 6 feedings per day.

6. Prepare your baby for the car ride:

  • You will need to be prepared for the car ride before your baby is born, as you will need a way to take your newborn baby home from the hospital. You will need to get a car seat that is suitable for newborns and make sure it is sturdy and safe for your child. Although you may not spend a lot of time in the car with your newborn, some moms find that taking them on car rides helps them to sleep.
  • You should also get a child seat for your child. These seats help your child sit up, but not ‘keep’ him safe in the car. In this type of seat, the base should have a non-slip surface and should be wider than the seat, and should have a secure locking mechanism, as well as a washable fabric. Never seat your child in the seat on a high surface from which he could fall.
  • For child safety seats, make sure that the seat meets Motor Vehicle Safety Standard 213 and that your child can actually fit in it. Infants and young children should be seated in a real-facing seat until they are 2 years old.


C. Ease the Stress of Being a New Parent-

1. Get as much help as you can:

  • If you are raising your child alone, you will need as much mental and emotional strength as possible. If you’re lucky enough to have a caring spouse, parent, or in-laws, it’s important to arrange for some extra help around the time your baby is born. If you can hire a nurse, that’s great, but if not, see if you can get help from someone who knows what they’re doing.

How To Take Care Of Your Newborn Baby

  • Even though your baby may be spending more time sleeping, you may be feeling a little overwhelmed, and the more help you get, the more confident you’ll feel holding your baby.

2. Create a strong support system:

  • You need a good support system for yourself and your family. He could be a husband, a lover, or your own parent. You will always need someone to be there for you and your baby during his childhood. If you are raising your child completely alone, there are chances that you may have some problems or you may feel very tired.
  • Having said that, you also need to establish meeting hours and rules. Unexpected visits from lots of friends and family members to see the baby can add to the stress.

3. Take care of yourself:

  • While it is important that you take care of your newborn baby, it does not mean that you should neglect yourself. Make sure you shower regularly, eat a healthy diet, and get as much sleep as you can. You and your husband can work out a system where you both get some time to take care of yourself.
  • While this isn’t the time to start a new hobby or writing a memoir, make sure you get some exercise, visit your friends occasionally, and take some “me time” whenever you can.
  • Don’t feel like you’re being selfish for wanting time to yourself after your baby is born. If you take some time to take care of yourself, you’ll be able to take better care of your baby.
  • Do not burden yourself too much. This isn’t the time to clean the whole house or lose 10 pounds.

4. Correct Your Schedule:

  • Anything can happen, especially during your newborn’s first month of life. Make sure that you don’t make too many plans and that you are ready to give your child the time he or she needs. Take the stress out of letting people know you’re busy with your baby in advance, and don’t force yourself to socialize more or go out with your baby unless you want to.
  • Although you should give your child the time they need, it does not mean that you hide in the house with your child. Get out of the house as much as you can — it will be better for you and your baby.

5. Get ready to ride:

  • Even if you think that one day spent with your newborn is equal to 100 hours, you will soon find that your baby will outgrow the newborn stage earlier than you think. (People debate whether babies pass the neonatal stage after 28 days or after 3 months). So, be prepared to feel a lot of emotions. Intense joy at seeing your baby, fear of whether you’re doing everything right, terror of losing your independence, distance from your childless friends.
  • These feelings are completely natural, and any hesitations or fears you might have will fade away as you start a new life with your baby.


  • Take pictures of them growing up. Sing for them!
  • Taking care of a human being is difficult. But your parents did it for you. Consult them and your doctor.
  • Let your baby hold others so that he gets used to being held by others.
  • Read aloud to them.
  • Supervise your pets when they are around your child. This is for the best of both your baby and your pet. Your pet could easily hurt your child, or the child could be too tough and hurt your pet.
  • Catch them often.
  • Too much noise scares them.
  • Don’t force yourself to hold the baby when you’re already cranky because of sleep. You can hurt the child. Try to get support from your family or friends around you, and take some time to sleep.


  • Never feed your newborn “regular” food. They don’t have teeth to chew it, and their digestive systems aren’t ready yet.
  • Always supervise your baby while giving him a bath.
  • Go to the doctor if your child:
  • Does not respond to sounds or visuals.
  • His face is paler or bluer than usual.
  • Does not urinate
  • No account
  • Have fever

Things you will need-

  • Baby clothes
  • Money
  • Help
  • Baby formula
  • Car seat and car
  • Stroller

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