Do You Know Exactly What Is PCOD? Symptoms, Causes & Treatment 

If you are suffering from PCOD disease, then Do You Know Exactly What Is PCOD? Symptoms, Causes & Treatment.  You need not worry because we are going to discuss all the symptoms, causes and various treatments that are made for this disease. We will discuss that Do You Know Exactly What Is PCOD? Symptoms, Causes & Treatment

Do You Know Exactly What Is PCOD

Before knowing all the symptoms and the main reason behind this problem, we will delve into the definition of PCOD problem. After that we will spark the light on the main reasons behind this disease.

What is the PCOD Problem?

  • The problem of PCOD is an abbreviation of Polycystic Ovarian Disease (PCOD), is a serious problem found in the ovary system of a woman. In this condition, either a woman develops mature or immature eggs in her ovary. So, basically these eggs are generated in large numbers in the ovaries of a female.
  • PCOD problems occur due to the development of mature or immature eggs into the ovary system and can cause cysts over there. As a result, the part of the ovary becomes large in size and can cause many problems such as high levels of androgen, irregular periods, problems of infertility, abnormal weight gain and many others.
  • In some places, most of the women are not fully aware about What Is PCOD? Symptoms, Causes & Treatment. So, it’s very important to be aware of them to a large extent so that they may know all the symptoms and causes and can take action against such problems.

What Are The Different Problems Faced By Women In PCOD Problems?

There are many symptoms that not only affect a woman physically but also affect them mentally. Many women are suffering from this problem and can occur with many symptoms which are as under;

  • Mood Swings
  • Negativity all around
  • Low self esteem
  • Poor self confidence 
  • Negative self mirror
  • Problem in eating and sleeping
  • Depression 
  • Weakness or Low Energy Levels
  • Is There Any Difference Between PCOD and PCOS?

Both these PCOD and PCOS acronyms can be exchangeable in terms of medical field. The full form of PCOD or PCOS is Polycystic Ovarian Disease or Polycystic Ovary Syndrome that has the same meaning. Let’s discuss them one by one:-

What is PCOD? (Do You Know Exactly What Is PCOD)-

  • PCOD is a condition in which the ovary system of a woman produces large amounts of eggs or we can say immature eggs that can be changed into cysts after a certain time period. PCOS is a medical condition in which the ovary part of a woman produces male hormones at a very large extent and then causes the development of cysts.
  • In the condition of PCOD, there are no specific diseases occured with it, but PCOS related to various problems regarding heart disease, changes in blood pressure, diabetes, cancer and many other health issues.

Do You Know Exactly What Is PCOD

  • Fertility is not affected by PCOD problems but can be affected in the case of PCOS. Women can give birth to a child if they are suffering from PCOD problems, whereas PCOS can affect very badly as women may not be able to conceive. By chance if they conceive then there can be a serious issue of premature birth of a child or may be miscarriage.
  • If anyone is suffering from these diseases then they can take help from any expert for further treatment. Your doctor can give you some health guidance regarding the serious symptoms of PCOS. 

Do You Know Exactly What Is PCOD? Symptoms, Causes & Treatment-

Symptoms of PCOD:-

  • Here are some symptoms that can affect the female body
  • Heavy bleeding during menstrual cycle 
  • Lots of acne on face
  • Increase of body hair excessively
  • Irregular or abnormal menstrual cycles
  • Problem in sleeping
  • Depression 
  • Mood swings
  • Complications in pregnancy 
  • Skin darkening and also pigmentation on the neck area
  • Losing of hair 
  • Male pattern alopecia (it is a condition in which hair loss or absence of hair in the body can happen.)

Causes of PCOD (Do You Know Exactly What Is PCOD) –

We cannot say that the PCOD problem is caused genetically but can be caused by various environmental factors. However, the real cause or reason of this disease is not so clear somehow.

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Here are some main causes that will be responsible for PCOD problem:

  • Improper diet and nutrition 
  • Inactive lifestyle
  • Polluted areas
  • Medicines that can change the hormone levels
  • Some medications and doses

Do You Know Exactly What Is PCOD

Sometimes, the reason for the PCOD problem is hereditary. There are also some physiological causes that can increase the chances of PCOD problems. Here are some causes.

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Excess Quantity Of Insulin:- 

  • Insulin is a hormone that allows glucose into the body. The function of insulin is to provide the sufficient energy to work in an efficient and effective manner. It also creates a balance in the level of sugar in your body. 
  • PCOD problems can be caused by the increase in level of insulin in your body. It also increases the male hormone that is commonly called androgen. 

High Level Of Androgen: (Do You Know Exactly What Is PCOD? Symptoms, Causes & Treatment ) –

  • PCOD patients can suffer from the problem of increased body hair and lots of acne on the face. It can also cause many infections like skin irritation or mood swings. PCOD problems can also cause heart diseases. 


  • There may be a huge possibility of inflammation into your body if you are suffering from PCOD problems. You can feel low in this situation. Inflammation can damage your body parts to a large extent. As a result, the level of androgen can be increased after the inflammation in all over the body.

How To Diagnose PCOD Problems? (Do You Know Exactly What Is PCOD) –

There are not so many ways of diagnosing the PCOD problem but there are two types of test you can give if you are suffering from a PCOD problem. Here are those two tests;

Ultrasound Of Pelvic Area:-

  • Your gynecologist can check the pelvic area by ultrasound method so that the doctor can know if there are any cysts around the ovaries. Your doctor can also check or measure the uterus if any lining occurs in that area.

Blood tests:- 

  • You can also go for testing your blood so that your doctor can know the main cause of PCOD problem. It helps your doctor to check or maintain your sugar level, insulin, hormonal changes, and high cholesterol.

Treatments Of PCOD Problem? 

  • Polycystic Ovarian Disease can be overcome by a good and balanced lifestyle. The PCOD problem is not only treated by medicines but also by changing lifestyle.
  • However, we cannot say that there is a proper treatment of PCOD problem but it may be possibility to overcome this problem by following some important points that are as under;

Modification In Diet Plan-

  • Changes in diet routine can help you to overcome the problem of PCOD. Simply, we can say that losing even 5% from the previous weight can help you to overcome PCOD. 
  • You should avoid fatty foods such as ghee, butter, fatty fish, egg yolks, and all others. You should also remove such foods from your diet plan that have high sugar levels. All these solutions can not only help you from the problem of PCOD but also overcome various health issues such as heart disease, diabetes, sugar and high cholesterol problems.

Regular Exercise (Do You Know Exactly What Is PCOD? Symptoms, Causes & Treatment ) –

  • Healthy diet can help you physically but meditation and yoga can help you to overcome PCOD problems mentally. You can overcome it easily from PCOD with a daily exercise plan. 
  • Daily exercising with the guidance of your gynecologist can help you to overcome the condition of PCOD in a great manner. If you are a woman who is lazy by nature then you can try some exercises that can be easily done by you.

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Skin treatment-

  • Your skin is an important part of your body because it makes you feel confident and courageous enough to tackle any problem in your life. So, you can give your skin some treatments during PCOD problems. Such treatments can help you to eliminate acne problems and skin darkening.

Daily Monitoring –

  • Daily observation and a regular diet plan can help you to overcome PCOD problems. You can help yourself so that you can check the changes in your hormone levels. You can take treatment with your doctor if you find any symptoms of PCOD.

Conclusion: (Do You Know Exactly What Is PCOD) –

  • PCOD problem is just a medical condition in which your ovary can be affected to some extent. But you don’t need to worry because there are many treatments available for the problem of PCOD. 
  • We have to accept that there is no permanent solution to overcome the PCOD problem but you can try some advice from your gynecologist so that you can feel better while suffering from PCOD problems. 

Important FAQs related PCOD or PCOS: (Do You Know Exactly What Is PCOD) –

  • What is the full form of PCOD or PCOS?

The abbreviation PCOD holds the full form of Polycystic Ovarian Disease, is a type of hormonal disease that can affect 90% of women very badly with so many mood swings and due to changes in lifestyle.

PCOS, the acronym of Polycystic Ovary Syndrome, is also a hormonal disease that can affect women to a large extent. It also occurs with several diseases such as heart disease, sugar, high cholesterol, insulin and hormonal changes.

  • What is the main cause of the PCOD problem?

Depression, stress, busy or poor lifestyle, and many hormonal imbalances can cause the problem of PCOD. You can suffer from irregular periods, so it should be your prime duty to maintain a good weight and create a proper diet routine.

  • Can I solve my PCOD problem at home?

Yes, you can try yoga asanas or meditation techniques that are easily available on the internet. You should avoid fatty foods and also remove carbs and sugar from your diet. 

  • Which food is good for the problem of PCOD?

There are some foods that contain high fiber such as nuts, dried fruits, beans, rice, and oats. You can check such food in the online store and you can also go to your nearest place for purchasing these foods. 

  • Can a girl who is suffering from PCOD problems get pregnant?

You can get pregnant by following the guidance of your gynecologist so that it will not affect your child as well. Getting pregnant is not a problem but maintaining a proper diet while suffering from PCOD problems is a difficult task. 

  • What are the different treatments for PCOD patient?

Changes in diet routine can help you to overcome the problem of PCOD. Daily exercising with the guidance of your gynecologist can help you to overcome the condition of PCOD in a great manner. 

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